The Body Keeps Score
Healing via Fascial Tension Release
+ Fascia Research
+ FasterEFT
+ Mindfulness
+ Breathwork
+ Holding Space for Healing
October 24-26 2025
9.30am-5pm Friday-Sunday
Get your registration email be@stellayoga.co.nz
The 'Body Keeps Score’
VENUE: Treehouse, 121 Carlton Street, Bellevue, Tauranga.
This course evaluates conditioned responses to conflict and Trauma, and provides practices and techniques of rebalance and resolve.
This practical workshop allows us to share, observe and feel the restrictions around holding healing space.
Stella creates a safe space for participants to experience discomfort to transmute and practices techniques that promote healing and holding healing space. The course is designed for a small group to deeply witness and expand upon their personal journey.
No prior knowledge is required to attend this training course.
​Register for the weekend course contact Stella at stellatreehouse@gmail.com
Course Fee: $660
Please deposit $300 to secure your space. Bank Account Stella Yoga 38-9015-0595650-10